Project 4: Final Project Presentation Rubric due 4/23 (graded) 4/25 (public)

Project 4:Rubric for Final Group Presentations due 4/23 and 4/25

Final Team Oral Presentation Rubric

  • Provide an overview of your final Omeka exhibit—“My Omeka exhibit, entitled ‘ xxxxx’ makes the following claim:….. ; tells the story of X ……; provides a lesson plan for X educators…

0               .25           .50           .75           1


  • Share the contributions it makes to conversations about Kentucky Jewish or American Jewish or Lexington/Louisville community heritage, history, and life.
  • 0 .25           .50           .75           1


  • Explain how the contextualizing approach your group chose is an appropriate frame for the oral histories you researched, included, discussed in the exhibit.


0               .25           .50           .75           1


  • Reflect and share what you learned from your composing/revising process—where did you start out thinking you’d go, where the did the project end up going, what changes you made in your approach and why?

0               .25           .50           .75           1


  • Reflect and share what you learned from the project about being in the position of history-writer(s)? What did you have to navigate in constructing one narrative from multiple approaches? What did you learn about Kentucky history? Jewish history? Kentucky Jewish history? Archival materials?

0               .25           .50           .75           1


All members participated (3-4 min each).

Stayed within timeframe (7-10 min).

Total Points_______(out of 5)